Wednesday, June 17, 2009

1552m2 Land for rent, Delta Comoro Has-Laran, Dili


Dear Sir/Madame:

Greetings of Peace!

I have a piece of land of 1,552 Square Meter in Delta Comoro Has-Laran, DIli. The land has a complete ownership document and has been registered in Land and Property Department and Public Defensor Office of Timor-Leste. The location is very strategic. It is located by main road leading to Canossa Academy in Delta Has-Laran Comoro. The Canossa Academy accommodates about 2,000 students plus teachers on daily basis. Dili Institute of Technology or DIT is also soon to establish its new building in the nearby area. The school of Externato which currently has about 1,500 students on daily basis is also located in the nearby area (walking distance) as well as the residents of Delta. In total there will be more or less 3500 people who are doing their activities in the surrounding areas on daily basis. This means that the demand for apartment, shops, bookstore, health clinics or fast-food or some other kind of services will be very high over the next few years. This piece of land will be very ideal to respond to such demand.

The surface of land or its landscape is sloping and contour VERY IDEAL FOR A BUILDING WITH BASEMENTS therefore there is no need for backfilling. For more information and/or site visit, please contact:

Mr. Alexandre Sarmento Address: Farol, Dili.

Phn: +670 7321408

Skype: alexandre.sarmento123

You can also call Mr. Bendito at +670 7327031 for site visit.

Contract can be drawn on win-win situation for 5 to 7 years or more subject to negotiation.

Thank You.

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