Landlord: Feliciana Marcal
Phone number: +670 741 7942
Address: Area of Fatuquero Village, Aldea of Palimano, Sub-District of Railaco, District of Ermera
1. 3 bedroom house
2. Living room
3. Family room (TV, VCD, one set of dinner table)
4. Kitchen (provide Kulkas/refrigator)
5. Etc
Note: The house is currently rented out to an Australian (UNPOL staff) for certain term but will be available for rent soon. Please contact land lord for more information.
Phone number: +670 741 7942
Address: Area of Fatuquero Village, Aldea of Palimano, Sub-District of Railaco, District of Ermera
1. 3 bedroom house
2. Living room
3. Family room (TV, VCD, one set of dinner table)
4. Kitchen (provide Kulkas/refrigator)
5. Etc
Note: The house is currently rented out to an Australian (UNPOL staff) for certain term but will be available for rent soon. Please contact land lord for more information.
Real estate statistics depends on the location. However, the value of a real estate property never depreciates. Therefore it is always wise to invest on it.
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